Humans have an innate need to feel secure, as does all animals, but our requirements are more extreme compared to our animal counterpart.
To feel secure over a world of unknowns, some choose to investigate, but it’s a dangerous world out there, it would be safer to be in some cave or your own house and make up stories that will at least convince you for a while that you know everything.
It must be a popular contest of some sort I believe, with everyone wanting to know “Why”, the one that can provide all the answers is the “Alpha” and BOSS of the community, this would prove useful in a world where food doesn’t come as easy.
Even if you did know everything, conveying information to the public is a whole new art of its own.
Which one is easier to understand ? God created everything end of question or a whole excursion of natural/physical laws ?
People like to feel smart and every time they don’t understand something they don’t think “I’ll like to investigate”, most of them would just think “I don’t understand it…I feel stupid…I don’t like to feel stupid…I hate this explanation…so it's wrong!” but the idea “God made everything? Now I like that explanation, because I don’t feel stupid as I don’t have to think further” works for a lot of people.
People will fight to protect the idea that they are not stupid, that they know the truth, along with the nature that human don’t like changes and will do everything to protect it even if it’s inferior to the new that is to come, hence religion wars are common throughout human history.
With all the comfort that comes from the delusion of knowing everything, one have to wonder why Science would even have a place in human society at the beginning for it to reach the respectable state that it is today.
The Pope that sends Galileo Galilei to condemnation should have given a clear message to the world that the idea of True Science is not something that should be “preached” in its fullness.
Fortunately, not everyone likes stupidity.
Science matches on...
Today we are enjoying all the fruits and labor of what Science had brought us and scientist are now the new Pope.
The religious people spend their time telling people how right they are and how many mistake Science makes and how the law of physics are always changing a little here & there, what they fail to understand is Science don’t pride itself as absolute truth, Science is “True” learning, always making mistakes, always improving. Religion on the other hand is absolute, end of question, or else you of little faith, why do you question ?
I believe in God, but to be honest, the truth is I need the idea of God.
In time of crisis, the idea of an all powerful loving God proves to be very comforting to me.
The idea that his Son Jesus died for my Sins [what’s Sin anyway ? Why are they Sin ?] is something that brings comfort to me all the time.
Does that mean that I’m stupid ? Perhaps, and I gladly admit the possibility that I might very well be. Still this part of my humanity that seeks after comfort persist.
I think religion has its place, but I think Science should be the way of thinking for the next generation if we never want to see the dark ages again.
From my country of origin, we are told to “respect” religion, I agree with the idea of “respect” but if a particular religion prompts stupidity, we should make sure that it doesn’t get out of hand and turn the entire state into a degenerate.
It sounds impossible but we Chinese have a saying, it’s easy to turn evil in three days but three years to turn good[of course the concept of Good & Evil is debatable but let not this article get out of hand and out of range]. It’s easy to promote stupidity than intellect.
America is currently under such crisis, it was founded on many ideas one of which is the separation of Church & State.
I love the ideas of America, the idea that power belongs to the people and many of the ideas that it holds, but stupidity is creeping back on the all powerful nation that is America for a long time, instead of the celebration of Scientist and their discoveries, we look to Hollywood actors for advise and Pope for what Science ought not to do [what can he say either than what not to do ? How to do it ? I don’t think so…].
I feel that I have to stop myself from writing as my topic on the raise of religion has swept to anger at stupidity and the spread and praise of it. Perhaps someday, I’ll calm down and write something of worth.